The Relationship between Park Design and Seniors’ Use of Green Spaces in X’ian, China
Urban parks can facilitate a healthy and active lifestyle among older adults by promoting their physical activities and social interactions. However, unless these parks meet the needs of this group, they may not be effectively utilized or contribute to seniors’ well-being. We applied the concept of environmental affordances in an investigation of the relationship between urban parks’ design characteristics and their use by older adults. Specifically, we developed a functional taxonomy of afforded park usage for senior visitors based on a methodology that combined interviews and behavior mapping in three sites within an urban park in Xi’an, China. We identified four main categories of afforded park usage: individual physical activities, group physical activities, social interactions, and sitting and resting. These activities may be supported or constrained by particular design elements, other people and their behaviors, the park’s physical accessibility, facilities and maintenance, and the park’s atmosphere. In conclusion, we provide recommendations to facilitate urban planners and designers in creating more livable green spaces for senior residents in urban areas.

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