
Maurice Harteveld


This commentary aims to provide a window on the future by studying actions, taken to control the spreading of the corona virus, while obviously affecting public space over a year. What has been the effects on public space directly linked to these actions during the pandemic; what values play a role, and what can we expect for the future? We have seen how immediate responses induced by the COVID-19 crisis influences traveling, gathering, and public live in general. Now, it is time to look further.[1] Having a base-point in Rotterdam and taking The Netherlands as an example, the commentary argues that some shifts in using, appropriating and experiencing public space will remain. Yet, mainly those not just being immediate responses to sudden societal change, rather those which are embedded in long-term change.*


[1] This article is a follow-up to author’s contributions to the global ‘2020 A Year Without Public Space Under the COVID-19 Pandemic’ initiative, as part of the webinar ‘The Impact of the Pandemic to Street Life, Urban Culture and Beyond’, as well as to the Delft Design for Values COVID19 Working Group, and the TU Delft research team on Post-Pandemic Public Spaces.


* This article includes research and statistics updated to March 2021.


How to Cite
Harteveld, M. (2020) “Domestication Will Shape Future Public Spaces: A Report from Rotterdam”, The Journal of Public Space, 5(3), pp. 53–66. doi: 10.32891/jps.v5i3.1379.
Author Biography

Maurice Harteveld, Delft University of Technology

Maurice Harteveld has an uninterrupted focus on public space, particularly related to urban design and the architecture of the city. Although, at the current, this focus is shifting slowly to a more intercultural understanding of ‘human space’, hence ‘urban design for people’, this work is still adding to the reposition of urban design theory. The number of publications following his work on ‘interior public space’ and ‘interior urbanism’ (since 2005) are awarding and can be seen as such recognition. His international oeuvre, both in research and in education, brings urban design back to its fundamental interdisciplinary nature in the overlap of responsibilities, though in a non-structural way and particularly transdisciplinary, with users involved. In doing so, he specifically clarifies future challenges for designers based on socio-spatial dynamics. Synchronically, he reframes histories from the questions we have today. He does this from Delft University of Technology, DIMI, Delft Design for Values, and among others AMS Institute. He also works at the Architects Registration Board of The Netherlands and he is a guest at various foreign universities.


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