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Cavallo, Vincenzo, Cultural Video Production / Oxford University
Cermasi, Olimpia, University of Bologna
Cerulli, Cristina, Sheffield Hallam University
Chamoun, Rachid, Lebanese American University
Chan, Clara, RMIT University
Charalambous, Nadia, University of Cyprus
Charleson, Andrew, Victoria University of Wellington, School of Architecture
Chbat, Nada, Lebanese University
Chebet, Shirley, Kounkuey Design Initiative
Chen, Ying-Fen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture
Cheung, Yu Sze, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture
Chidiac, Therese, Politecnico di Milano
Chinder, Samer, UN-Habitat Lebanon
Chiodi, Sarah Isabella, Politecnico di Torino
Chiovitti, Anthea, Sapienza, University of Rome
Chism, Jill
Chitre, Pranil, NAGAR
Chong, Jose, UN-Habitat
Choubassi, Rawad, Systematica srl
Cittadini, Benjamin, ROARAWAR FEARTATA
Coelho, Rodrigo, Universidade do Porto
Collett, Morwenna
Cong Ang, Jia, UN-Habitat
Conti, Riccardo Luca, Catalytic Action
Coombs, Gretchen, RMIT university

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