
Manfredo Manfredini


In the increasing cosmopolitan condition of our cities inclusionary urban commons are becoming more and more relevant as civic institutions for encounter, dialogue and collaboration. Their non-commodifiable asset experiences increasing issues of social inclusion, participation, privatisation and universal access. The papers included in this issue of The Journal of Public Space are focused on the development of the commons’ capacity firstly to contingently relate and articulate heterogeneous values and paradigms, personalities, spheres of thought and material and intangible elements; secondly to sustain equity, diversity, belonging by transforming conflicts in productive associations that counter conditions of antagonism to set up critically engaged agonistic ones (Connolly, 1995; Mouffe, 1999, 2008). They include analytical studies, critical appraisals and creative propositions—part of which documenting the City Space Architecture’s event at Freespace, the 16th Venice Architecture Biennale—which address the power of the inclusionary urban commons to support the constitution of free, open and participatory networks that enhance social, cultural and material production of urban communities by reclaiming, defending, maintaining, and taking care of the “coming together of strangers who work collaboratively […] despite their differences” (Williams, 2018: 17).


How to Cite
Manfredini, M. (2019) “Urban Commons and the Right to the City”, The Journal of Public Space, 4(4), pp. 1–4. doi: 10.32891/jps.v4i4.1231.
Author Biography

Manfredo Manfredini, University of Auckland

Dr Manfredo Manfredini is Associate Professor at the University of Auckland and since 2016 he is Honorary Professor at the Hunan University, Changsha, China.
He studied architecture and urban design in Milan, Rome and Berlin and he has consistently been involved in fundamental and applied research projects, both locally and internationally research over a wide range of topics in architectural theory and criticism, as well as in design at architectural and urban scales. After teaching architecture and urban design in Italy, Germany and China, since 2010 he has been teaching architecture and urban design at the University of Auckland. His current research interests address post-urban spatialisation forms and correlated design aspects, particularly focusing on valorisation, re-qualification and redevelopment of architectural and urban heritage; affordable and special housing; and education in architecture. Each of these areas has been successfully developed in collaboration with international and multi-disciplinary teams, as proven by the track record of consistent publications, successful grants (national and international) and awards (e.g. first price Biennale di Venezia, Sironi Group), and invited participation in major global events (e.g. United Nation Habitat III).


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